
+91 9554956203, +91 9554956214

Board of Governors

Chairman & CEO

Mr. Binda Singh

Educational institution plays a vital role in the lives of people, because it is man-making. The future of the nation depends on the appropriate education imparted to its children. So the ultimate goal of our school is “not to teach what to learn rather it is to teach how to learn”. It is a commitment to provide academic, cultural, social, physical and moral education of high standard to enable our student to become individuals of substance and pursue higher education in their chosen field. The curricular and programmes are all planned to develop students’ talent and potential. The world belongs to people who are confident of victory and make a beginning in a cheerful and happy frame of mind. People who display brilliant mental makeup, backed by dynamic motivating power can cross over from failure to success. We ensure that our children are able to visualize their goal so that they do not feel dejected. The strength of their character enshrine in values will always be our guiding star. Education is the progressive discovery of one’s ignorance. Its education, which makes people easy to lead but hard to drive, easy to govern but impossible to enslave. Character building always remains the prime purpose of education. It shall be our constant endeavour to ensure continual improvement in our system through team work, empowerment and training of personal to achieve satisfaction of our parent and guardian. Its rightly said, “when it comes to the future, there are three kinds of people: those who let it happen, those who make it happen and those who wandered what happened.” RVSIS is always associated with people “Who Make It Happen”.

Best Wishes



Shatrughna Singh

Welcome to RVS International School,Fatehpur. We at RVSIS constantly think and strive to make the ways for the betterment of our budding students, so that they get the best exposure to face the challenges of tomorrow. These students are the stakeholders of the future India, the India we visualize as a World Super Power and want to see it amongst the developed republics of the world. The development that we are eying on is not only in Academics but also in Extracurricular and Co-curricular activities in real sense.

The portal of this school signifies to the parents that their children are in the hands of Good craftsmen and they are in a teaching-learning environment that runs as per accepted best practices. I am very optimistic that this building of education will prove itself the right option for shaping the students for the future which is full of potential.


Veesha Mam
Academic Director

Veesha Mohindra

“No matter who you are, no matter what you did, no matter where you’ve come from, you can always change, become a better version of yourself”. – Madona Education lies at the heart of the progress. It makes a person right thinker and a correct decision maker. At R.V.S International School , we are seeking and showing our commitment to nurture and mould succeeding generations of leadership in all walks of life and in times to become the standard bearers in educational firmament not only for the city but also for the Nation at large. We believe in joyful experiential learning system wherein, each child is encouraged to participate wholeheartedly. By conducting various events throughout the year, we provide ample of scope to the children to excel in the field of their interest. Teachers play a vital role in molding and shaping a child’s personality. In our school, the teachers by virtue of their knowledge and experience guide the children and channelize their potentials for creative outputs. We are committed to our parent community, society and nation at large to produce such well balanced children having core strengths embedded in their learning experiences, who will make us feel proud of them. Respect, trust, care, belongingness and accommodation are internalized as core beliefs by all our stakeholders and lived out by us in our daily lives. These have permitted in the environment of our school and our children, for which the impact can be felt. Moreover, all our decisions from the biggest to the seemingly insignificant are guided by and based on the bearing they have on our children, keeping their best interests in mind at all times in the fulcrum. Teamwork is the hallmark of RVS International School. I am sure through collaborative effort we can achieve more to benefit our students who are future leaders of tomorrow. So, let us step forth with self belief and positivity, in relentless pursuit of excellence.

Sincere and Warm Regards!



Board of Governors


RVS Group of Institutions and RVS Educational Trust

RVS Group of Institutions and RVS Educational Trust



RVS Group of Institutions

(TREASURER) RVS Educational Trust

(Member and Trustee, RVSET)


(Director Academics)

 Principal, RVS Academy, Jamshedpur

 Principal, RVSCET, Jamshedpur

Member (Ex-Officio)

The governing body of RVSIS envisions the education system that is based on inspiration and innovation that kindles the dormant talent of the students. We develop in the students a perspective of looking at life. We help the students to build opinion and have points of view on things in life.

Our school which lays the foundation of our education, is the institution where we understand why education is so important and how important it is! It is our school, where young talent is recognized, nurtured and encouraged. We believe that children are precious so make then spiritually inclined, morally upright, ardent achievers, responsible citizens and tolerant towards others. We ensure that on leaving school, the students are all set to soar high in life and enter the real world in pursuit of our dream.

We at the R.V.S. Educational Trust provide you quality Education through R.V.S. International School With its aim to be affiliated to the council for ICSE, New Delhi,  the school provides the required curriculum.

The R.V.S. Educational Trust is successfully running the educational institution R.V.S. College of Engineering & Technology, Jamshedpur which is Approved by All India Council For Technical Education, New Delhi, and affiliated to the Kolhan University, Jharkhand & R.V.S.Academy, Affiliated to the ICSE Board, New Delhi, a school committed to quality for which it has been awarded the certification of ISO 9001:2000 from NQA, a London based International Organization for Standardization.




Admission 2025-2026

Nursery to Std IX

Admission forms for Nursery to Std IX for the session 2025 - 2026 is available. Forms can be taken from the school office between 8.00 a.m. to 11.00 a.m. (Monday to Saturday)


Parents may also apply online by clicking here