We want to impart quality education with a focus on the child’s all round development – mental, physical and spiritual.

Mental development – A step by step process of learning as the child grows day by day guided by capable teachers who help the child to connect teaching with their mental abilities.

Physical Development – At RVSIS we not only provide all modern facilities of sports but also we ensure that the children are tuned towards an environment which they look forward to with enthusiasm and zeal participating in sports and physical activities.

Spiritual Development – Grooming of young minds begins at RVSIS through our value education classes. We make the children self sufficient in thinking, taking decisions and being tolerant towards each other and the society at large.


Our Mission

Creation of Human Asset through employable education in contemporary technology. To be at par excellence Technical Education Centre.

Education is universally recognized as an important investment in building human capital which is a driver for technological innovation and economic growth. Application of science and engineering.

The vision of the trust is to create a world renowned technical education center by imparting quality education to the students belonging to both privileged and under privileged society and inculcating in them the quality of leadership and executive competence to face the challenges of Jharkhand State in particular and global in general.


Our Guiding Principles

  • Learning is a process in which hurdles can become opportunities for growth.
  • We are responsive to the feedback and suggestions for the academic, social, emotional needs of a student.
  • We help and guide students to be morally upright, integrated individuals who can face social challenges.
  • We develop our programs using practices of current research and self evaluation.
  • We believe in being many minds but one vision.

What Success Looks Like

  • Success in a school depends on-
    • Principle of Equality
    • Principle of Active Participation
    • Principle of Cooperation
    • Principle of Freedom
    • Principle of Justice
    • Principle of Leadership
    • Principle of Flexibility

    Keeping the above principles in mind we at RVSIS look at success with a view to provide social life to the students where they function in the ‘Art of living together’.